Media Inquiries and Policies
The New College of Florida Office of Communications and Marketing is the main point of contact for all media inquiries. All inquiries contact
We look forward to continuing to have a positive experience with media members while respecting the New College community.
To ensure our campus community privacy and access policies are followed, please review the following information:
Our community (students, faculty, and staff) has a right to privacy and freedom of expression. In our duty to help safeguard and respect these rights, the College has strict media policies for circumstances where media request to be present on our campus.
If you would like to plan a media interview based on your subject matter expertise, please reach out to the Office of Communications and Marketing at to help with the planning and any possible media access. Whether the media or our campus community, please act with respect and professionalism.
All unsolicited interviews with students that a student or any member of the New College community agrees to require that the media get verbal, recorded consent from those who have permitted an interview. New College may require, on a case-by-case basis, a media permission form to be signed by the student or others members of the campus community.
Credentialed media must request access 24 hours in advance to gain permission to access the New College campus and/or to request any interview (faculty, students, or staff). Please email for media access so that the College can review your request and inform you if your request is approved. Media access may be limited or denied during an emergency or other situations when unrestricted media access may become disruptive. Private, ticketed functions of the College are not open to the media.
MEDIA ACCESS FOR PUBLIC AREAS: Media access may be limited or denied to the full campus during an emergency or other situations when unrestricted media access may become disruptive. By regulation, public areas of the College, such as the bookstore/retail areas, and campus grounds, such as the Bayfront and seawall area, are open to the non-affiliated members of the public during regular business or operational hours. The immediate area of the dormitories and the dormitories are not open to the public. Also, inside classroom buildings and other students-only areas (Hamilton Center, dining area, recreation areas, etc.) are not open to the media or the public.
MEDIA ACCESS FOR NON-PUBLIC AREAS: Additional non-public areas, including classrooms, laboratories, offices, auditoriums, theatres, athletic fields and facilities, and other areas of the College that are not ordinarily open to the public unless there is an event within such areas to which the public is invited, or the nonaffiliated person is an authorized guest of College personnel are not accessible by members of the media without permission from the College and are accompanied by College designated College personnel. Please email 24 hours in advance to review your request.
Nonaffiliated persons are strictly prohibited from being in student residential areas unless providing authorized contractual vendor services or as the authorized guest of a student per Residential Life visitation and guest policies. Nonaffiliated persons are otherwise not allowed on College property except as authorized by this regulation. Identification may be requested for access to any of the facilities mentioned above.
Any person who, in the opinion of College officials, is violating or has violated any law, College regulation, or policy is creating a disturbance, acting in a threatening manner, or creating an atmosphere not conducive to the use of facilities by others, or otherwise found in an area at a time that causes concern for the safety of persons or property, may be immediately reported to Campus Police or may be directed to leave College property by the College official. If the person does not leave as requested, Campus Police may respond to provide a verbal warning and/or issue a trespass warning. The College, on a case-by-case basis, may require news media to remain within a designated media filming zone for law enforcement or safety reasons.
New College of Florida Campus Police are also authorized to arrest, per state law, any person for violation of state law or applicable county or city ordinance when such violations occur on or within 1,000 feet of College property or facilities.
The President, as chief executive officer of the College, or a designee, is responsible for the safe operation and administration of the College. The President, or authorized personnel designated by the President, may issue trespass warnings. The President is authorized to designate the specific locations where public events may occur and to place terms and conditions on how such events occur.
All public records requests are to be made to with the specifics of the request including topic, date range, contact information for verification and fulfillment on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More About NCF
The mission of the Office of Communications & Marketing is to tell the New College story to key audiences locally, regionally and nationally through branding, communications, and marketing efforts that heighten the visibility of New College, enhance its institutional reputation, and advance the college’s strategic goals.
Services for the Campus Community
The Office of Communications & Marketing offers a range of services to the New College campus community.
OCM manages various outlets for broadcasting announcements to the NCF community and beyond, including:
- The New College Bulletin is emailed to Faculty & Staff on Thursdays.
- Digital Screens throughout campus.
- Social Media
- New College News
- Public Events on
- Publicity, Marketing, and Advertising
Submit your event or announcement from the OCM Intranet Page, MyNCF login required.
To request professional photography or videography, email
We welcome the submission of photos, videos, and posts for our channels, either by emailing or direct message us through the app .
OCM manages the following social media accounts:
New College Social Media Commenting Policy:
Our mission at New College of Florida is to create a positive, respectful environment where people can feel comfortable openly sharing their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. This mission is carried over into the online world. The New College social media accounts and website are a visible presence and extension of the College, wherever people engage with them. The administrators of New College social media are charged with upholding this mission, and ensuring that the comment sections of our posts are a space for open dialogue. However, we will take action against comments that undermine our mission, including:
Use of vulgar, profane, racist, or otherwise inappropriate language; Spam or inappropriate promotion; Anything that may be deemed to be harmful to others in our online or on-campus community, that may negatively impact the reputation of New College of Florida or viewed as disparaging the work or actions of others in our campus community. These decisions are at the discretion of the College’s social media accounts administrators.
We do not like to remove comments, however, these decisions are at the discretion of the College’s social media accounts administrators. So please adhere to these guidelines and help us keep online dialogues positive, friendly, and respectful for everyone.
OCM manages New College’s advertising and marketing program. For more information email
For logos, brand standards and guidelines, and other resources from OCM visit the OCM Intranet Page, MyNCF login required.
Communications & Marketing Staff
Carlos Alvarez Encarnacion
Graphic Designer
Jacob Byers
Web Developer
Nathan March
Director of Communications & Athletics Public Information Officer
Zach Richey
Manager, Multimedia Production and Media Center